With the cost of living skyrocketing, Americans in the lower and middle classes need every penny they can get. While many in the federal government are exacerbating the problem, some have taken small steps to ensure more money stays in taxpayers’ pockets.
Texas Senator Ted Cruz is currently one of these lawmakers. The Senator’s “No Tax on Tips Act,” an idea supported by former President Donald Trump, would ensure that hard-working Americans in the service industry get to keep more of what they earn each paycheck.
The IRS taxes tips over $20 per month, taking away a portion of servers’ hard-earned money. This taxation feels similar to a greedy restaurant owner pocketing tips, except it’s the federal government, which is already getting a share of each paycheck and from the restaurant.
This taxation burdens the working class and benefits the bureaucratic class.
Despite President Biden’s claims of supporting everyday Americans, his actions suggest otherwise. He prioritizes federal officials and bureaucracies, as seen in his celebration of creating thousands of government jobs, while neglecting the thousands of lost industry jobs and the closure of several restaurant chains.
The President also continues to send billions of dollars overseas, supports passing deficit budgets, and continues to foster an environment that favors foreign nations and international corporations.
If the government continues to funnel money to bureaucrats and other countries, it will inevitably take more money from taxpayers. With inflation at an all-time high, reckless government spending increasing, and Americans being taxed more than ever, legislation allowing Americans to keep more of what they earn is more important now than ever.
With the legislation filed in both chambers, it’s important for your lawmakers to know that you think. Call them today to make sure your voice is heard!
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