Jobs Report


Biden Boasts Job “Growth” and Economic Success, Reality Paints a Different Picture

When the COVID-19 Pandemic emerged at the height of a booming economy, the American people went into a near-nationwide shutdown. With the population locked in their homes, unemployment expectedly spiked to unprecedented levels. As the pandemic and accompanying lockdowns receded…


The Ginn Economic Brief: U.S. Economic Situation–May 2024

Unlocking Prosperity: Steering America Back to Free-Market Fundamentals As the latest economic indicators from April 2024 unfold, it’s becoming alarmingly clear that America’s path to prosperity is at a critical juncture. A steadfast return to free-market capitalism with limited government…


The Ginn Economic Brief: Texas Economic Situation – May 2024

Texas at the Forefront: Leading the Charge but Facing New Challenges Texas continues to blaze trails in the labor market, with recent data from the Texas Workforce Commission showing a robust addition of over 42,000 jobs and an unemployment rate…


The Ginn Economic Brief: U.S. Economic Situation— April 2024

Navigating Economic Challenges: A Call for Pro-Growth Policies in America As we navigate the complexities of the U.S. economy, the recent data from March 2024 underscores a pivotal truth: we must return to free-market principles that foster abundant prosperity. Amidst…


The Ginn Economic Brief: Texas Economic Situation – April 2024

Texas on the Brink: A Call for Free-Market Revival Overview Texas stands at a crossroads. Renowned for its robust economy and job creation, the Lone Star State now confronts economic challenges that could define its future. Excessive government spending, burdensome…


Fact-Checking Biden

Social Media Shines a Spotlight on Joe Biden’s Economic Falsehoods In the nearly three years of his presidency, Joe Biden has left a trail of known failures and questionable (and often nonsensical) statements. That legacy continued recently when, not once,…


Why the August Jobs Report Adds Up to a Weak Economy

This commentary was originally published at EconLib here. It is being republished with permission from the author. Americans say the economy is the most important problem facing the country. But major headlines covering the latest jobs report for August do their best…