Ken Paxton


Impeachment Price Tag: Texas House Spends Millions of Tax Dollars on Impeachment

After months of delay following Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick’s call for a financial audit of the effort to impeach and remove Attorney General (AG) Ken Paxton this year, new revelations about the actual cost to taxpayers surfaced last week. These…

News88th TXLege

Texas House Lawmakers Join the Call for Audit of Impeachment Investigation

Friday, three Texas House lawmakers called on both the Texas House Speaker, Dade Phelan (R-Beaumont) and State Rep. Andrew Murr (R-Junction) to conduct a “complete audit and providing an itemized account of taxpayer funds spent on the impeachment investigation and…

News88th TXLege

Dan Patrick Demands Audit on Failed House Impeachment Attempt

After this exciting weekend, there is no doubt that you have heard that the Texas House Board of Managers’ attempt to impeach Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has failed. On Saturday Paxton was acquitted on all charges and able to…