
TFR Celebrates Major Wins: Candidates Triumph in Texas House Elections!

May 30, 2024
TFR Staff
Elections 2024, Fiscal Responsibility Index, Primary Runoff Elections 2024, Texas House

Texans for Fiscal Responsibility has some major wins to celebrate! On Tuesday, nearly all of our TFR PAC – endorsed candidates for the Texas House cruised to victory in their runoff elections. 

As a reminder, TFR only endorses candidates who share our mission to promote responsible government, sound fiscal policies, ethical taxation, and free market principles that put taxpayers, families, and small businesses first.

These victorious candidates include:

  • AJ Louderback: HD 30
  • Katrina Pierson: HD 33
  • Alan Schoolcraft: HD 44
  • Helen Kerwin: HD 58
  • Keresa Richardson: HD 61
  • Andy Hopper: HD 64
  • David Lowe: HD 91

These individuals will be terrific additions to the Texas House, joining our current taxpayer champions and candidates who won in the March primaries.

These candidates are:

  • Brent Money: HD 2
  • Brian Harrison: HD 10
  • Steve Toth: HD 15
  • Wes Virdell: HD 53
  • Shelley Luther: HD 62
  • Mike Olcott: HD 64
  • Mitch Little: HD 65
  • Tony Tinderholt: HD 94

TFR worked hard to educate voters on the records of elected officials, so they could hold them accountable. Voters overwhelmingly rejected lawmakers with failing grades on the Fiscal Responsibility Index. As a result, several fiscally-irresponsible incumbents were replaced. 

Because of these historic results, the 89th legislative session is slated to include more new legislators committed to fiscal responsibility than anytime in recent history. 

While TFR believes these candidates will be strong taxpayer advocates, we will be keeping track of their voting records via the Fiscal Responsibility Index. This tool ensures that voters are informed about how their lawmakers are performing in terms of promoting and maintaining fiscal responsibility.

We look forward to seeing these newly elected officials make a significant impact in the Texas House, standing alongside our seasoned taxpayer champions to create a better, more fiscally sound future for Texas. 
TFR’s commitment to fostering responsible government, advocating for ethical taxation, and supporting free market principles has never been stronger. As always, TFR remains dedicated to monitoring legislative actions and providing taxpayers with the resources they need to make informed decisions and hold ALL elected officials accountable, ensuring they uphold the values and principles that benefit taxpayers, families, and small businesses across the Lone Star State.

Texans for Fiscal Responsibility relies on the support of private donors across the Lone Star State in order to promote fiscal responsibility and pro-taxpayer government in Texas. Please consider supporting our efforts! Thank you!

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