Party Conventions


Update from RPT Convention!

This week, Texans for Fiscal Responsibility is in San Antonio for the Republican Party of Texas State Convention! We are here educating delegates on “Axe the Tax,” which would prioritize eliminating property taxes in the 2025 legislative session.  This plan…


TFR is Headed to Convention!

Texans for Fiscal Responsibility will be attending the Republican Party of Texas Convention in San Antonio.  Next week, Texans for Fiscal Responsibility (TFR) will pack its bags and hit the road for San Antonio. The Republican Party of Texas (RPT)…


Party Conventions – Part Three: Building Blocks of the Platform

Those who choose to participate in their respective party convention processes as delegates will have the ability to help craft their party’s platforms among other responsibilities. That process begins at the precinct level with suggestions on changes to the existing…


Party Conventions – Part Two: It All Begins at the Precinct Level

Primary Election Day is March 1st, but it also marks the first step in the state party convention process, attending your individual precinct conventions. The majority of these precinct conventions take place after the polls close, although some larger county…


Party Conventions – Part One: The Work Continues After Primary Elections

Early voting begins next week (February 14 through February 25) for the primary elections where both Democrats and Republicans will choose their candidates for the General Election in November. Primary election season is certainly one of the busiest seasons in…